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Strengthen Your Will to Succeed
By Swami Kriyananda, from The Art and Science of Raja Yoga

The greatest mistake people make is to belittle their own power to change themselves. My guru taught us that the greatest of all sins is to call oneself a sinner, for it identifies one with sin, or error. So hypnotized, one becomes the helpless slave of delusion.
人々が犯す最も大きな誤りは、自身を変える自らのパワーを軽んじることである。 私のグル(導師)はすべての罪で最も大きなものは自分を罪人と呼ぶことになっていると我々に教えました、なぜならば、それは人を罪あるいは過失と同一視している。そうなると、催眠術をかけられて、人は無力な奴隷になってしまう。
No matter how often one fails, he should keep on trying to improve, remembering what Yoganandaji also said:
"A saint is a sinner who never gave up." The very season of failure, he further taught us, is the best season for sowing the seeds of success, if we direct the energy awakened by our remorse, not toward self-abuse, but toward reinforcing our determination to do better next time.
「聖人は、決して、あきらめなかった罪人である」。 彼はさらに私たちに教えます、失敗のまさしくその季節は、成功の種をまくための最もよい季節である、私たちの後悔によって呼び覚まされたエネルギーを、自己非難ではなく次回によりうまくやろうとする決意を補強する方へと導くならばと。
As with my experience in trying at first unsuccessfully to give up smoking [when a young man], every time I went back to the habit I did so, not with a consciousness of failure, but with the thought, "Well, I haven't yet won, but maybe next time I will." In this way I strengthened my will ultimately to succeed, instead of allowing every failure to reinforce my self-hypnosis of weakness.

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