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About Us:

Joseph Bharat Cornell has helped people experience inner peace through his meditation and nature awareness work for many years. He has written six “Sharing Nature Books” that have been published in twenty foreign languages and have “sparked a worldwide revolution in nature education.” Millions of people have enjoyed his joyful and inspiring nature writings.

In 2002, Joseph created the Ananda Meditation website to help people learn meditation and receive ongoing support and inspiration for their practice. Thousands of new and experienced meditators from different religious traditions have benefited from this free service. Easily accessed on this website are over one hundred meditation articles; the Go Deeper Meditation Study Plan; and the monthly e-newsletter, The Daily Meditator. On this site you also can visit The Meditation Doctor, which offers remedies for many of the common problems experienced in meditation.
100を超える瞑想記事が個のwebサイト上で容易にアクセスできます;より深い瞑想学習プラン;そして毎月の電子ニュースレター、The Daily Meditator(日々の瞑想家)。このサイトであなたは又瞑想ドクターを見ることができます。そしてそれは、瞑想において感じられる多くの一般的な問題への治療を提供しています。

Since 1975, Joseph has been a resident of Ananda Village, one of the most successful intentional communities in the world. The community is based on the universal principles of yoga meditation and service to God and humanity as taught by the revered world teacher Paramhansa Yogananda. Ananda Village was founded by Yogananda’s direct disciple J. Donald Walters (Swami Kriyananda), who is widely recognized as one of the foremost authorities on meditation.

Meditation for Starters Video

J. Donald Walters instructs you in the art and science of meditation. Interwoven within this talk is "The Land of Mystery," an enchanting guided visualization.
J.ドナルド・ウォルターズがあなたに瞑想の技法と科学を教えます。この話に、視覚化された魅惑的なガイド「The Land of Mystery(神秘の国)」を織り込んでいます。

Ananda Meditation Support (アナンダ瞑想サポート)
Learn the Universal Science of Deep Meditation

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